
Mershon Georgia Girl~Going Home!

Going Home...that would be for me the Community of Mershon, Georgia, Pierce county- "southeast Georgia."
It is first of all one of those places too small to be called a town-perhaps just a Crossroads-but stretched out over  acres & miles. The people make it  Community.
More than anything else Mershon/southeast Georgia is [as has been said before] an attitude, a state of mind.  Going home brings a sudden gasp  as you recognize that little place alongside the road..it's still there!  Funny how you can spot a turn in the road that still looks familiar in spite of time and heartbreaking changes. It is equally emotional and shocking to suddenly arrive at a once familiar landmark and now there's a new landmark..bearing no resemblance to what was...fifty plus years ago...oh no the change is more like a century has passed.  How could it be?  Didn't they know we would all be back one day expecting to snuggle up in the arms of this place that nurtured us, fed us, entertained and educated us during a time now only recognized in sepia prints of scenes captured of special events, moments & dear, dear people who with very few exceptions have been gone for a while now.  The teachers, pastors, business owners, farmers, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents and Grandparents..we knew they would not always be there, but I suppose we actually thought the homes, farmhouses, gas stations, school buildings, tobacco barns, sycamore trees would all wait for us to return.
So many of us have lived far away from what we now call our past, our history, our roots.  I remember when my own  family lived in  the state of Kentucky and Indiana in the 1970's and I longed to go home.  I had recurring dreams of making that trip to Mershon, Georgia. In my dream I traveled down that main highway that leads from Mershon to Alma and as I would approach once familiar homes, farms, landmarks there would be changes. Some could not be found [that's the way it is now] I cannot describe the feelings but I still  remember them. 
 In reality when I have actually made that trip and what I remember and dreamed of basically does not exist.. It is not there anymore but we can all carry the memories and the sepia photos within our hearts and minds from now on.
[ I am writing this for all my Mobley cousins, family members & PHS class of 59  alumni ] It would be wonderul if some of you would add your random rambling thoughts ..you know, while we still CAN REMEMBER..just click on COMMENTS and add your own


  1. You captured my thoughts about "going home" perfectly. I go back to that neck of the woods every 10 or 15 years "just because." Like you, some things I remember, and some things I remember I can't find! I remember when Ray and I first saw the tractor shed at our childhood home had fallen. Now the old wooden farm house I spent 18 years in is no longer there. The friends of my childhood I will never forget. The ones on my "3 mile dirt road block" are etched in my heart and mind forever. We spent many a Sunday afternoon playing touch football, baseball and making divinity candy. We had great peanut boils and carport dances at the Todd house. Mrs. Louise raised about 20 of us kids over the years. I am so proud Mary Ann became my sister-in-law. Sandra Kicklighter Henderson

  2. Sandra I am so sorry to be so slow responding to our comment...as you perhaps observed I am not keeping this blog up regularly at all but i truly cherish every comment b/c it means someone found me and took the time to read and then leave a note. I wish I could get some of my cousins to contribute some of their own stories of these times for this blog but they appear to think they cannot...not true all our stories are valid and will add a different view and flavor to the remembrances..It was such a special time as we look back it made us the adults, parents and grandparents and indeed U.S citizens we are now in such a Changed world..some good but much very sad.
    Now I know where to connect w you on fb but I would love for you to sign on as a follower for my blog [s] and leave bits of yourself and your own stories.


This is much more fun if you participate so join in and share your thoughts on any given subject. I look forward to reading what you have on your mind. Additionally, I would be honored to have you join me as a "Follower"
~All In Fun,

BLOG RENOVATION-my excuse for unfinished housekeeping

-[I have to enter something here or it won't "save"]

A Note From Me

I am so glad you stopped by-whether accidental or intentional. Some days my posts will be entirely inspirational and other times quite random but the time we share can be worthwhile. My initial intent was to use this space for my Mobley Family notes { james n mobley line } I know one can only write when inspired to do so. With that in mind I caution you to expect various twists and turns in the conversation as we wander Down the Lane and Around the Curve. If you have a clue what a Lane is then you already know that a walk down the lane can be a solitary walk, ambling without the company of another or it can simply be a leisure experience with someone who's company you enjoy, working out the world's problems or just soaking up nature and God's spectacular creation surrounding you. There is enjoyment either way. I say all that to say this: "Our walk down the lane will be much more interesting if you come along with me from time to time. I am not the only one with something to share so please join in as you are motivated or inspired.
Please know that I have not abandoned my first blog Down the Lane. I still drop in to read comments and check my tracker to see who's reading or even if there might be a new Follower. I have noticed when I check the traffic on Like Gramma's House and come over to DTL I am seeing apparently the same visitors are checking in on both sights..based on the city and state and time frame of the visitors..That's Great! Thank you faithful few who are inquisitive enough to click on the links and come over. Let me explain ...in case you have missed it earlier: This is my original blog. At a point in the process of this project I began to drift in a new direction creatively and hence Like Gramma's House was birthed. By way of continued explanation for what looks like an orphaned blog here..I simply have not come up with a way, an idea for either following through with Down the Lane or closing it out. One cannot write without inspiration. I just don't have a clue where to go with this one. The only glimmer of a creative twist I have is to invite my cousins to contribute to the family stories, pictures with their own quirky takes... looking back Down the Lane.There has been no encouragement leading me to think they would pitch in. They all have wonderful memories to share.. and I am confident it would be worth while. Apparently just don't think what they have to share would be blog worthy.

My Gramma's House~

Time changes so many things. Loved ones are no longer here. Landmarks dissappear from the landscape. Entire communities are seemingly erased. Homes have burned leaving scarcely a footprint in the earth where they once stood. Even so, we still refer back to things 'the way they once were' as being ~Like Gramma's House~ http://mygrammashouse.blogspot.com/


There comes a time in LIFE when our COUSINS AGAIN become very important. I think that time has arrived. jwh