Rainy Days like today remind me of some of those 'snapshots in time' as a child.
I recall a scene when I was less than 4 years old. I was outside in a garden with my dad [ "Daddy" ] As it started to rain we ran into the house. I still remember in that primitive farmhouse [ a dog trot ] at Rockingham, [GA] lying across the bed beside Daddy and watching the rain through the window... LISTENING TO THE RAIN ON THE TIN ROOF.
It's one of those "you had to be there" stories. I don't remember a conversation.
I do remember enjoying the sight and sounds of the rain. It was a good place to be. I was a happy little girl who felt safe and loved by my Daddy.
Take note - you who have young children now.
You never know the ordinary moments that could stay with your child for a lifetime. And we don't get to choose those memories that 'stick'.
That was more than 60 years ago!
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