- Life itself-My Lord & Savior &the assurance of Eternal Life
- Family, Family, Family
- Christian Friends -especially the women in my life-my Sunday School class, Tuesday Bible study-Oh, joy, joy~Thank you God for this Group
- Creation~ yes I have to repeat that. It speaks to my innermost being-all my senses-indeed how could anyone be surrounded by His Creation and Not See God!?
- The "days of our lives"..each and every one is precious when one reaches a 'certain' age It should be that way even when we are younger.
- Prayer~that connection, communication with our Lord & knowing it's a "live" open connection
- The FRILLS, the EXTRAS, the FROSTING, the things I do not NEED..but am blessed to be able to enjoy-some material, others like time with loved ones, travel and exposure to new things
The number 7 is a good place to pause..
Family Enjoying the Beach in March this year. Gathering as we can.
Leaving Dogwood Canyon, near Branson, Missouri July 2010
Click on photo to get a close up view..So impressive it almost takes your breath away-on the back of the Andy Williams Theater [ I think ]