
White Sands & Solitude

I am Looking forward to the white sands, the sounds of the waves washing in and the blessed solitude of the beach.

Concerns for loved ones and uncertain situations with them and some friends too are crowding my thinking space.  There is such a mix of sadness, frustration & heartsick spirit as I consider and at the same time try hard not to think about how so many dear to our hearts are hurting.  If it's not physical then it's heartaches, dissappointments and in some cases what feels like   insurmountable obstacles to deal with.  We pray for wisdom, common sense choices and planning.

That's why I am so looking forward to this few days of solitude and I pray we will both allow ourselves to soak it in and draw closer to God as we allow Him to speak to our hearts and mend the weak places.

Lord Jesus, I pray this can be a four day quiet time with you.  I ask that you Holy Spirit keep my heart tender and receptive to you and whatever You need me to learn about You at this moment in time.

I praise you and thank you for this generous luxury that has been made available to us.  We don't take it lightly.  It's a special gift of time and space.
For it we are very grateful.


I Remember-Williams & Carter Relatives

I remember learning to ride a bicycle in Dinsmore, Florida in my uncle James & aunt Verdie [williams] Carter's front yard.  I never had a bicycle.  I remember falling off and scrubbing my knees, legs & elbows and getting back on to go again.

I remember my cousin Imogene Carter had a big [ so it seemed then] BRIDE DOLL for one Christmas..she let me play with that beautiful doll.
I never had a Bride Doll ...or any other doll that I can recall.  I do remember dreaming of a doll for Christmas one year..not actually dreaming but wishing and planning for a doll. I think I was in the second grade.   It was rather large and the price was likely the reason I never got it.  That's understandable, after all..it cost $1.98.

My cousin Imogene also let me play with her doll house furniture one Christmas Day at their house.  Pretend was so much fun.  Her mother accidentally stepped on some pieces of that furniture [it may have been 'bakelite]  and I was terribly offended..not because she broke the furniture but because she just laughed about it when it happened.  Strange, the things we hold in our memory bank.

While we are at my Carter/Williams cousins house pulling out memories stored away let's talk about spending the night with Imogene.  They closed in their front porch to make another bedroom and we always considered it still a porch.  I recall spending the night & sleeping on the porch and the conversation before bed time about snoring. Imogene and I agreed that one of us [ don't know which one] would stay awake to verify that the other actually did snore at night.  Well, you know the outcome of that pact.

I also remember that Carter family had a Tent Church locate on the property adjacent to them at one time. Yes it was a Tent, a large one and the congregation was Pentecostal.  My aunt Verdie [ Daddy's sister] attended that church.  She was always trying to pursuade Uncle James who was known to all of us to be a heathen, to go to church with her.
Uncle James wasn't tempted..to go to church, that is.  He proclaimed in no uncertain terms that he didn't have to attend church services..he could hear everything that went on right from his own yard or garage where he often worked.  I think that settled that.

Just an added note: Years later after Aunt Verdie died, my Uncle James remarried. His wife was also Pentecostal and at some point Uncle James was pursuaded. His life changed.  Amazing!


Remember Cinderella?

Remember Cinderella?  Even in a fairy tale all good things come to an end..the clock struck 12 midnight and the carriage turned back into a pumpkin.

That came to mind as I thought about my Patterson High School class of 1959 and our 50th reunion celebration last weekend.  We worked toward this celebration of an era for an entire year.

Friends, class members, even relatives [ several  cousins ] began gathering in rural south Georgia, [ Pierce County] on Thursday.  Some were fortunate to have family they could stay with while others enjoyed the hospitality of the newest accomodations in town.

 On Friday it was a "Girls Only" time with an afternoon party hosted by a class member, Glenda Weathers Thompson, who returns to enjoy the country life back home  and keep up her family's farm where she grew up in Mershon. 1959 grads and spouses of same enjoyed great food, lots of chatter, laughter, giggles, catching up and snapping a few candid pictures of course!  With windows surrounding us on all sides of the porch it was ideal..delightful even!

 That wasn't the end of this special day though.  We hurriedly made order of our hostess' kitchen and moved on in a caravan to visit with one of 3 living high school teachers who is 96 years old and recouperating from a recent fall.   This visit with Mrs. Florice Deen turned out to be a gift exchange.  It was our gift to this wonderful lady who even at 96 still has a regal air about her. Such a Lady!  It was also her gift to us..a time to share both ways, a joy to us to see her doing so much better than we  anticipated. We shared some memories,  a few until now untold secrets and a lot of laughter and expressions of appreciation to one who  taught school during an era when teachers could  become involved in the lives of students and ultimately make lifelong differences, enriching our lives with teaching, experiences, challenges and more.  In the 50 years since there were several of these dear people whom I have always referred to as "my teacher friends." Mrs. Deen was my mentor..before I even knew what the word meant.

Two others of our teachers  are still with us but only one was able to be there on Saturday night at the 'main event'.  Mr. Mershon Aspinwall could not be there but  Mr & Mrs Jimmy Screws were such a delightful addition as guests & We were honored to have them.

It was a pleasure to have attending also two  with whom we attended school but were not part of the graduating 51 class members, Jaunette Richardson Sauls & Frances Cox-Thigpen. We would have opened it up to more had space not been an issue.

Much planning had gone into making this "Celebration of an Era'  a memorable event and it was made easier with today's technology.  Time spent on this was my own choice since I volunteered but it was very time consuming.  At the same time it was a blessing from my perspective.  I had the opportunity to be in touch with almost all our classmates and  got to know the wonderful, gifted,generous,  God fearing, family centered grown ups they have all become.  Lucky Me!

With some forethought  the steering group [Darrell Thomas, Bonnie Dubberly, Charlotte Smith & I ]  made decisions to trim down and simplify every element of the weekend affair.  The only dissappointment is that some were not able to be with us.  Previously scheduled travel, Health or Family issues prevented some from coming & one in particular who expected to be in attendance had to opt out at the very last minute due to a recent diagnosis of cancer and was having a bad day.  We had a total attendance of 53 including spouses & other guests.

Many people stepped in to help and may have thought their assistance insignificant..it was not! They helped things to run smoothly-that was amazing.  Lucille Crosby Brown provided ID tags with Sr. photos and she and Linda Byrd Parker greeted everyone with a program and  colorful silk flower leis as they arrived Saturday afternoon. I forgot to thank several. Charlotte Smith presented our hosts Darrell & Sue Thomas with a gift of her life size GOURD PEOPLE who were properly  stationed to greet everyone outside the entrance at the pond house.   The beautiful green plants that were brought then shared as thank you gifts were provided  by Eugene & Tommie Mobley....how thoughtful!

As the crowd gathered during the first hour they could enjoy the display of a variety of 'early years' mementos  so generously shared.  There were football jackets, jerseys, FFA jackets, Fashion items, medals from literary competition, Miss PHS photos, Photo albums and newspaper clippings that survived the past 50+ years. 

I truly considered this project a labor of love and a joyful experience.  While  challenging at times..I enjoy a challenge, especially  the technology.  It impresses our Grandchildren.

While no special 'thank you ' was needed or expected, the beautiful expression of appreciation from this group will soon find the perfect home in the Harrison House in Brundidge, Alabama - likely in our living room.  I will treasure it  & tell all guests exactly where it came from.

I have saved the best for last.  We had a time on Saturday's program to recognize or pay tribute to those who have passed away.  Bonnie Dubberly recognized those who are no longer with us. Darrell Thomas & Anne Boatright assisted in recognizing deceased U.S. Veterans, Class members and spouses of same who served in any branch of the U.S. Military.  Navadine Callahan spoke in appreciation for the teachers during our school years and Mary Grace Hancock & Charlotte Smith spoke about special memories of teachers as well as an update on Mrs. Florice Deen.

After dinner time was alloted for people to take the floor to share memories, things about themselves, whatever they chose.  This became almost entirely a sharing of testimonies to what God has meant and continues to be doing in the lives of individuals and their loved ones, prayer requests and of course a few funnies shared balanced things out just right! To that I add: To God be the Glory!

 A post script:  I am not privy to what everyone did with their free time or after hours on Friday and Saturday nights but the ladies who stayed at the new motel along with another Patterson student who lives in Blackshear..well We had "church" for two or three hours- Such a precious time together. O my how sweet it was!

We women have no earthly idea what went on when a group of the men gathered for Coffee or Breakfast at a local restaurant.  Likely we will never know but this one thing is sure..they couldn't have had as much fun as we did.  Men have fun differently I suppose.

I never intended this to sound like a 1950s newspaper account of what everyone in the community was up to socially.  It just turned out that way. Perhaps that's appropriate considering the era we were celebrating.

Our carriage did  turn into a pumpkin.  We are  back to our daily routines.  Today our sentimental look back is just a memory but what great memories!

BLOG RENOVATION-my excuse for unfinished housekeeping

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A Note From Me

I am so glad you stopped by-whether accidental or intentional. Some days my posts will be entirely inspirational and other times quite random but the time we share can be worthwhile. My initial intent was to use this space for my Mobley Family notes { james n mobley line } I know one can only write when inspired to do so. With that in mind I caution you to expect various twists and turns in the conversation as we wander Down the Lane and Around the Curve. If you have a clue what a Lane is then you already know that a walk down the lane can be a solitary walk, ambling without the company of another or it can simply be a leisure experience with someone who's company you enjoy, working out the world's problems or just soaking up nature and God's spectacular creation surrounding you. There is enjoyment either way. I say all that to say this: "Our walk down the lane will be much more interesting if you come along with me from time to time. I am not the only one with something to share so please join in as you are motivated or inspired.
Please know that I have not abandoned my first blog Down the Lane. I still drop in to read comments and check my tracker to see who's reading or even if there might be a new Follower. I have noticed when I check the traffic on Like Gramma's House and come over to DTL I am seeing apparently the same visitors are checking in on both sights..based on the city and state and time frame of the visitors..That's Great! Thank you faithful few who are inquisitive enough to click on the links and come over. Let me explain ...in case you have missed it earlier: This is my original blog. At a point in the process of this project I began to drift in a new direction creatively and hence Like Gramma's House was birthed. By way of continued explanation for what looks like an orphaned blog here..I simply have not come up with a way, an idea for either following through with Down the Lane or closing it out. One cannot write without inspiration. I just don't have a clue where to go with this one. The only glimmer of a creative twist I have is to invite my cousins to contribute to the family stories, pictures with their own quirky takes... looking back Down the Lane.There has been no encouragement leading me to think they would pitch in. They all have wonderful memories to share.. and I am confident it would be worth while. Apparently just don't think what they have to share would be blog worthy.

My Gramma's House~

Time changes so many things. Loved ones are no longer here. Landmarks dissappear from the landscape. Entire communities are seemingly erased. Homes have burned leaving scarcely a footprint in the earth where they once stood. Even so, we still refer back to things 'the way they once were' as being ~Like Gramma's House~ http://mygrammashouse.blogspot.com/


There comes a time in LIFE when our COUSINS AGAIN become very important. I think that time has arrived. jwh